Summary EcoGhar Landscapers Pvt. Limited:

Audio Overview 8.50 minutes 

EcoGhar Landscapers Pvt. Limited is an Indian company focused on improving the country's Human Development Index (HDI) through a program called "Mission 2024." 

The mission aims to improve the lives of Indians by increasing longevity, health, and standard of living, particularly through job creation and education. 

The company plans to achieve this by training 141,000 graduate students in a 30-day "job-oriented practical training course" at its Institute of Kitchenopathy® and deploying them at Grioki®. 

This initiative, coupled with the company's broader focus on creating an "Eco System of prosperity and abundance for mankind," highlights its commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility.

What is the business of EcoGhar?

The business is: find enrolment associate for our client institutes

The business of EcoGhar is to design, develop & establish self sustainable systems to curtail environmental degradation of our planet.

Premature death between 25-55; leaves their kids orphaned & spouses deprived of their support.

This incident starts a cascading & negative impact on the economic well being of the society & the HDI of the nation.

To prevent such environmental degradation; we have to reduce incidents of this type. 

It is our daily mission to prolong longevity, Healthier life span &  standard of living in our immediate neighborhood.

Every action we take, every innovation we pursue, is a step towards a stronger, healthier, and more prosperous India, as measured by the Human Development Index. 

Let us join hands and leverage the power of commerce to uplift our communities, improve lives, and propel India towards the top of the Human Development Index.

To gauge your potential success in a chosen career, completing this short exercise is recommended. 

EcoGhar® Landscapers Private Limited is

An EcoSystem







Retire from Work from home.

Enjoy Work not at hoXme but @EcoGhar®

No boss, no debt, No Slavery, no commute, no paucity.

Only liberty with full of health, wealth and entertainment..

What you want to accomplish today from EcoGhar® Landscapers Private Limited?

2. I want to pre book my EcoGhar® now. 

3. I want to explore supply requirements.

4. I want Business Franchise of EcoGhar®.

5. I want to Blow Whistle regarding your operations.

What are the challenges we are facing daily; despite we have everything at our disposal?

1. Is it mosquito maniac?

2. Is it feeling of rampant insecurity?

3. Is it unsafe condition of water supply?

4. Is it crisis of honest or reliable housemaid?

5. Is it intermittent network and electric supply?

6. Is it the alarming vacuum in the life of grandparents?

7. Is it too polluted mental or sociological environment?

8. Is it genetically modified and chemically produced food?

9. Is it nation’s pathetic performance on human development index?

10. Is it suspended solid particles in the air; causing cough to COPD ailments?

11. Is it the absence of integrity and over dependence upon substance in kid’s life?

Are we serious about these issues?

What options we have?

Are those options practical enough?

Are those options sustainable enough?

Are those solutions not leading us to even bigger challenges?

Are those options having some proven evidences of success?

Why should EcoGhar® inside of the EcoNagar® be the first biggest priority of today?

Why not make a decision today?

This animation shows the atmosphere as a "bucket" filling with greenhouse gas pollution from fossil fuel use, from 1870 to 2020. 

Carbon Dioxide from GMAO using Assimilated OCO-2 Data

This is showing carbon dioxide from the GEOS-5 model using OCO-2 data.  Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas released to the atmosphere through human activities. It is also influenced by natural exchange with the land and ocean. This visualization provides a high-resolution, three-dimensional view of global atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015. The visualization was created using output from the GEOS modeling system, developed and maintained by scientists at NASA. The height of Earth’s atmosphere and topography have been vertically exaggerated and appear approximately 40 times higher than normal to show the complexity of the atmospheric flow.  Measurements of carbon dioxide from NASA’s second Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) spacecraft are incorporated into the model every 6 hours to update, or “correct,” the model results, called data assimilation.

As the visualization shows, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be mixed and transported by winds in the blink of an eye. For several decades, scientists have measured carbon dioxide at remote surface locations and occasionally from aircraft. The OCO-2 mission represents an important advance in the ability to observe atmospheric carbon dioxide. OCO-2 collects high-precision, total column measurements of carbon dioxide (from the sensor to Earth’s surface) during daylight conditions. While surface, aircraft, and satellite observations all provide valuable information about carbon dioxide, these measurements do not tell us the amount of carbon dioxide at specific heights throughout the atmosphere or how it is moving across countries and continents. Numerical modeling and data assimilation capabilities allow scientists to combine different types of measurements (e.g., carbon dioxide and wind measurements) from various sources (e.g., satellites, aircraft, and ground-based observation sites) to study how carbon dioxide behaves in the atmosphere and how mountains and weather patterns influence the flow of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Scientists can also use model results to understand and predict where carbon dioxide is being emitted and removed from the atmosphere and how much is from natural processes and human activities.

Carbon dioxide variations are largely controlled by fossil fuel emissions and seasonal fluxes of carbon between the atmosphere and land biosphere. For example, dark red and orange shades represent regions where carbon dioxide concentrations are enhanced by carbon sources. During Northern Hemisphere fall and winter, when trees and plants begin to lose their leaves and decay, carbon dioxide is released in the atmosphere, mixing with emissions from human sources. This, combined with fewer trees and plants removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, allows concentrations to climb all winter, reaching a peak by early spring. During Northern Hemisphere spring and summer months, plants absorb a substantial amount of carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, thus removing it from the atmosphere and change the color to blue (low carbon dioxide concentrations). This three-dimensional view also shows the impact of fires in South America and Africa, which occur with a regular seasonal cycle. Carbon dioxide from fires can be transported over large distances, but the path is strongly influenced by large mountain ranges like the Andes. Near the top of the atmosphere, the blue color indicates air that last touched the Earth more than a year before. In this part of the atmosphere, called the stratosphere, carbon dioxide concentrations are lower because they haven’t been influenced by recent increases in emissions.

Visualizers: Greg Shirah (lead), Horace Mitchell

For more information or to download this public domain video, go to

Tell us about your thoughts. 



घर से, काम की छुट्टी।

लें घर में, काम का आनंद ।।

न कोई मालिक, न कोई कर्ज, न कोई गुलामी; न कमी किसी चीज की।

स्वतंत्रता ही स्वतंत्रता; स्वास्थ्य, समृद्धि और मनोरंजन से भरपूर ।।

ईकोघर® क्यों आज की पहली सबसे बड़ी आवश्यकता है? 

हम आज ही निर्णय क्यों नहीं लेते? 

क्या हम बिना पैसे के, ईकोघर के मालिक बन सकते हैं? 

हां आप निश्चित रूप से ईकोघर के मालिक बन सकते हैं बिना पैसे के।

करना क्या पड़ेगा? 

अपनी मनपसंद एक फ्रेंचाइजी लेना है; यहां से